Budget benefits for working families and parents

WORKING families and parents will be the main beneficiaries from the budget, according to Clare Fine Gael General Election candidate Leonora Carey who said it will put more money back in people’s pockets at a time when they need it most.

“This budget will deliver more housing, open more hospital beds, and build more schools. It is a budget that secures our future and ensures we put money aside to protect us all into the future,” Ms Carey declared.

“As a carer and a health professional, I am pleased that carers will receive a significant package including an increase in the carer support grant and we are changing the rules to ensure more carers will qualify. Carer’s allowance will be extended to the self-employed and carers will now be for eligible to apply for fuel allowance.

“The budget for health will increase to €24.3 billion and includes the provision of 330 new beds and 160 community beds. It will allow for the expansion of five emergency departments, open six new minor injury units and two new surgical hubs. This funding will allow for free hormonal replacement therapy and expand funding and eligibility for IVF. The mental health budget will significantly increase to €1.4 billion,” she said.

“We’ve invested in special needs education with 1,600 SNAs and 700 special needs teachers, complete with a significant capital investment to help build more special needs places. There will be a €12 increase for weekly payments for carers and people with disabilities. Children living in poverty will be able to access hot meals under a new scheme being rolled out. 

“Housing is the biggest issue facing us and ensuring everyone has an opportunity to own their own home is Fine Gael’s priority.

“The housing budget is being boosted by €3billion from the sale of AIB shares which will go to the Land Development Agency, upgrading water and energy infrastructure. This combined funding will lead to 6,400 new affordable and cost rental homes including 2,000 homes under the First Home scheme. 

We’re extending Help to Buy until 2029 – offering €30,000 in support to first-time buyers. Two schemes Sinn Fein would scrap.

We are increasing the stamp duty on the bulk purchasing of home by investors from 10% to 15% to protect homes for young couples.

“We are also increasing the renters’ tax credit, which has been extended to €1,000. Fine Gael are changing the threshold at which people pay inheritance tax – a significant win for middle income families. This will increase to €400,000 from €335,000”, Ms Carey explained.

“Fine Gael is ensuring that those who need the most help get it. Every pensioner will receive an increase of €12 in their pension. There will be an extension to the fuel allowance to help more people qualify and an automatic companion pass for people aged over 70.

There will be two energy credits worth a total of €250 before Christmas. Reduced costs for public transport will be extended for 12 months and free public transport will be extended to children aged under 9.

“This is the biggest budget ever secured by a Justice Minister, allowing Minister McEntee to recruit up 1,000 extra Garda and provide 1,100 new prison places. We will invest more in our courts system to make it more efficient and work faster for victims.

“We have increased the point at which people pay the higher rate of tax from €42,000 to €44,000. We are cutting the USC by 1pc on incomes between €25,000 to €70,000.

“Consequently, a single person on an income over €50,000 per year will pay €859 less this year in tax compared to last year. Changes now mean a full-time worker on €56,000 will get €916 in tax savings. That’s 50pc more than in the Sinn Fein alternative? budget. 

“In addition, you can now get €1,500 tax free from your employer in a voucher up to five times a year. 

“This is a Budget that strongly delivers and Fine Gael are cutting the cost of raising a family by; providing two double child benefit payments to every parent in the country before Christmas, providing free schoolbooks for senior cycle students, cutting college fees by €1,000, increasing maternity, paternity and parental benefit by €15 a week and extending hot school meals to all primary school children.

“We are also reducing the costs of school transport and giving two energy credits to help with the cost of heating your home this winter. In addition, there will be a baby boost of €460 for every child born after January 1”, Ms Carey concluded.