Ennis Christmas lighting

€50,000 to support Christmas events in Ennis

THE provision of contemporary lighting along O’Connell Street and a projector screening festive images are among the projects selected by Clare County Council to benefit from a €50,000 grant to support Christmas events in the Ennis area. The allocation from the Department of Planning and Local Government follows a call from Minister of State Alan…

Leonora Carey with Minister Emer Higgins.

Carey reaffirms Fine Gael commitment to small business

CLARE Fine Gael General Election candidate Leonora Carey has said that her party’s commitment to small and family-run enterprises was underlined in Budget 2025 with several measures introduced to help with the rising costs of doing business. Speaking after meeting with Minister of State for Enterprise, Trade and the Employment, Emer Higgins, Ms Carey said…

Carey confirms budget lump sum payment dates 

Carey confirms budget lump sum payment dates 

Confirming payment dates for ten financial supports announced in Budget 2025, Clare Fine Gael General election candidate Leonora Carey said it formed part of  the largest social protection budget package in the history of the State.  “The blend of lump-sum payments to support people over the winter months together with in weekly rates and a…

Budget boost for Clare businesses 

Budget boost for Clare businesses 

CLARE Fine Gael General Election candidate Leonora Carey says that local businesses will get a quick win from measures announced in Budget 2025, with small retailers and the hospitality sector getting  immediate benefit from the new €4,000 Power Up grant.  “This grant will make a significant difference for small and medium enterprises, landing before Christmas…

Budget 2025 Updates

Budget 2025 Updates

This is a Budget for working families and parents. It puts more money back in people’s pockets at a time when they need it the most. It is a Budget that will deliver more housing, open more hospital beds, and build more schools. It also ensures we put money aside to protect us into the…