Fine Gael plan for carers hits home

Fine Gael’s Election campaign commitment to abolish the Carer’s Allowance Means Test and introduce a new Family Carer Payment of €325 a week has a special relevance for one of the party’s candidates in the Clare constituency.

Leonora Carey, who is primary carer for her father, former Minister of State Donal Carey, said that the move will benefit thousands of carers in Clare by completely reforming the range of financial supports available to them.

“This is an issue that has special significance for me both as a family carer and in my career as an Occupational Therapist where I have had the privilege of working with and advocating on behalf of people caring for elderly family members and people with disabilities,” Ms Carey explained. 

“Most people in the social welfare system receive a payment because they either can’t work or won’t work. Carers are working 24/7 providing full-time care to loved ones and we need to recognise and support them.

“If a mother has to give up her career to care to a child with a disability, the current system means that if her husband earns over a certain limit, she is essentially not recognised by the State.

“If returned to Government, Fine Gael will immediately double the weekly earnings limits to €1,250 for a single carer and €2,500 for a couple. In a situation where a mother has to give up her job to provide full time care to a child with special needs, her partner could have an annual salary of €130,000 and she would still qualify for the full payment. 

“Fine Gael will continue to increase this limit in each Budget with the means test completely phased out over the term of the next Government,” she said.

“Fine Gael increased the Carer’s Support Grant to €2,000 and weekly payments to Carers by €41 as well as ensuring carers were prioritised in all of the Cost of Living lump sum payments.

“This week 145,000 carers across the country will receive a €400 lump sum payment to help them with the cost of living.Fine Gael also passed the legislation to provide a pension for long term carers ensuring they receive pension contributions for the time they spent caring.

“The means test is unfinished business and the Taoiseach has made it very clear Fine Gael will abolish the means test if we’re returned to Government and increase the weekly carers’ payment to €325.

“Carers save the State billions every year and we are determined that the vital work and contribution they make to society is recognised and valued,” Ms Carey concluded.

PHOTO: Donal and Leonora Carey at their home in Clarecastle.